Tuesday, February 22, 2011


History of  Pototan.....

Pototan is a 1st class municipality in the province of Iloilo, Philippines. Considered the rice granary of Panay, the town is bordered by Dingle to the north, Zarraga to the south, Barotac Nuevo to the east, and Mina to the west. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 61,206 people in 11,777 households.
The town lies on the banks of the Suage River, 17 miles or 30 km distant the City of Iloilo. It is a large town composed of 50 barangays. The town has an area of 94 km², 85% of which is agricultural land. In December 1997, it was declared as the "Christmas Capital of Western Visayas" because of its famed Christmas Festival of Lights.

Education, though at the onset only for the privileged few, was introduced. The name "Kaputatan", which the Spanish have difficulty pronouncing, was changed to "Pototan".
To improve the economic and social condition of the place, the Spaniards introduced and built roads and bridges. They constructed the Tribunal or Municipal Hall under the supervision of Don Tomas Sajen and Don Escribano with the natives contributing the labor force. The Tribunal was able to withstand the wrath of the last global war and in the early 50s was modified into what is now the Western Visayas Hospital.
In 1874, Pototanons were given the opportunity to run their own political affairs with the appointment of Don Juan Marcelo as the first Capitan Municipal. This form of government continued until the arrival of the Americans.
During the incumbency of Capitan Municipal Braulio Peñaranda, a horrifying event happened—something that the Pototanons will never forget—the Cholera outbreak of 1891. Old folks who were able to survive the epidemic can still recall the torment and anguish of their townmates afflicted by the unexpected plague. Because of the absence of medicine, many lives were lost.


COME and ENJOY the Beautiful place here in POTOTAN!!!!!

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